Crosby ensures uncompromising quality. Two online tools are available to allow you to verify that you are getting genuine Crosby product:
Our online certificate retrieval tool allows your authorized Crosby dealer to print for you or email Certificates of Conformance, Material Certificates, and a variety of other types of certificates. Visit Crosby CertPro
In the case you question the validity of the Crosby CertPro certificate, Crosby VerificationPro allows you to go online and verify the authenticity of the supplied certificate. With the product number, the item’s Product Identification Code (PIC), and the name of the authorized Crosby dealer shown on the certificate that was supplied, you can verify the certificates authenticity. Visit Crosby VerificationPro
Over the years, there have been alerts issued by other companies concerning the authenticity of Crosby products. Although many of the alerts are repetitive and come from the same source, we consider it our obligation to be diligent about investigating the various concerns that are raised regarding the authenticity of Crosby products. To assist in working through concerns you may have encountered, we have included the information below designed to keep you abreast of the results of the alerts that have been reported to Crosby.
In addition, if you feel there is a question of whether a product is genuine Crosby, please contact us at the ‘make request for evaluation’ link below.