Clamp Application Assistant
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The IPNM10 vertical lifting clamp is used for the lifting, turning, moving or vertical transfer of sheet, plates, or fabrications from horizontal to vertical and down to horizontal (180°) as needed without marring the surface of the material. Materials such as aluminum, stainless steel, painted materials, aircraft skins, composite material, glass, plastic, etc., can be lifted without marring. Will NOT mar, or scratch the material surface.
The IPNM10P vertical lifting clamp is used for the lifting, turning, moving or vertical transfer of sheet, plates, or fabrications from horizontal to vertical and down to horizontal (180°) as needed without marring the surface of the material. Materials such as aluminum, stainless steel, painted materials, aircraft skins, composite material, glass, plastic, etc., can be lifted without marring. The protective cover reduces the risk of damage to surrounding plates. Will NOT mar, or scratch the material surface.
Before using the IPNM10 on round surfaces, please contact Crosby for further information.